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Does Your Boiler Need To Be Repaired Or Replaced?

Are you having problems with your boiler and unsure if you should replace it or have it repaired? At McGrath Heating Services Ltd, we recognise the value of having a heating system that works properly, particularly during the bitterly cold UK winters. 

Our team of knowledgeable heating engineers in Charlton, Blackheath, and Greenwich are here to assist you in making the best choices for the comfort of your house by guiding you through the decision-making process. Call us today on 07812 739696 and receive expert advice. 

Signs of boiler problems

Unusual Noises

If your boiler is producing odd noises, such as whistling, gurgling, or pounding, there may be an issue that has to be fixed.

Reduced Efficiency

Have you observed a decline in the efficiency of your boiler? Longer heating times or higher energy bills are typical indicators that something is wrong with your system.


You should look into any indications of water around your boiler right away. Leaks may be a sign of an internal component issue or cause significant harm.

Age of the Boiler

Take into account how old your boiler is. If it is older than fifteen years, it can be nearing the end of its life and more prone to malfunctions.

boiler repair vs replace

Should you repair or replace your boiler?

It's important to consider several things when deciding whether to replace or repair your boiler. McGrath Heating Services advises a professional examination to decide the best course of action.

When to repair

Small Problems

Repairing a minor issue, such as replacing a broken component, could be the most economical course of action.

Relatively New Boiler

Repairing your boiler could be a wise decision to prolong its life if it is relatively new and the problem is isolated.

When to replace

Regular failures

Investing in a new system can prove to be more economical in the long term if your boiler requires frequent repairs and failures.

Energy Efficiency

Older boilers typically have lower energy efficiency. You can reduce your utility costs by upgrading to a more contemporary, energy-efficient model.

Safety concerns

It's imperative to repair your boiler immediately if it presents a health risk, such as a carbon monoxide leak or other dangerous problem.

Contact us today for professional boiler service in Greenwich, Charlton, and Blackheath 

Avoid being left in the cold by a broken boiler. Get expert boiler installation or repair services by getting in touch with McGrath Heating Services right now. Contact us at 07812 739696 if you need help. You can rely on us to maintain a warm and comfortable home all year long.